
Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Oh Sarah, the things you do to me...

By: Juliana

A couple of days ago a story broke that Sarah Palin admitted she and her family had….GASP….crossed the border into Canada to take advantage of their single-payer health care system. NO! It couldn’t be! Outrage! HYPOCRITE! LIAR!! These were just a few (censored) things that came to my mind. I first read the story when it broke on the Huffington Post, not exactly the cream of the crop when it comes to news sources, but I have always found their stories for the most part to be factual, biased perhaps, but accurate nonetheless. The story literally broke about 30 minutes after the Palin confession. There is always a race to be first. Forget about the facts and let’s leave out the “inconsequential” details. Break the story, damnit!

ERRRRRRR!! Hold on. STOP! Let’s look at the whole story. Where we’re going, we don’t need roads. If you look at the full text of the speech Palin gave, you will see she was talking about in the 1960’s when her brother once burned his foot and they crossed the border to get treatment. Back in the 60’s, Canada did not, I repeat, did NOT have a single payer health care system. The Canadian Medical Care Act was not passed until 1967, and this act only allowed for government to pay for approximately 50% of approved expenditures for hospital and physician services. So in reality, the Palin clan was not fully taking advantage of the Canadian government when they hopped the border. They were not participating in a full on “socialized medicine” system. Thank goodness. Heaven forbid they be subject to one of those death panels I’ve been hearing about! That liberal rag got it wrong! Ha!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Move over, Boomers!

By: Juliana

So when I said that I wanted to start sharing my opinions, I didn’t realize it was going to be so hard! I have spent the last few days trying to come up with a topic for my next post, and it has been about as fun as getting a tooth pulled. I realize that I am thinking way too much into it. We’re just writing a blog, not curing cancer here. But I do want my posts to be interesting, so I hope what I continue on to say doesn’t induce you into a coma.

A couple of days ago, I read an article in the Courier Journal (the Louisville newspaper) titled “Gen-Ex?”. Under the headline was a picture of Jay Leno and one of Conan O’Brien, with the “Ex?” being conveniently placed over O’Brien’s head. My first thought was, why is this still making front-page news? Anyways, I can’t resist anything having to do with O’Brien’s massive pompadour, so I read. The article went on to discuss a clash between generations. In the first corner we have the reigning champion generation, the Baby Boomers. On the challenger’s side is, well…everyone else: Generation X, Generation Y, and whatever the hell is after us. The article explains how Boomer Leno ultimately defeated Gen X’er O’Brien and how the Boomers in Congress are currently overshadowing our first Gen X President. This article sparked something in me, not because I disagreed with it, but because it hit on a sentiment that I have been feeling for some time. Unless the Baby Boomers rid themselves of their sense of entitlement, nothing is going to change in our country until they are gone. I feel like I should have tried to put that sentence in terms that didn’t sound so, oh, I don’t know, harsh? But, no. I voted against doing so because the whole generation’s narcissism is putting everyone else in a life and death situation.